2009 the beginning...
CK's Thoughts and Ramblings First and foremost thanks for stopping by my blog. This is really a new year's resolution from 2009. "Start a blog they said." 9 years later a blog is born. Well, the saying "better late than never" truly applies in this case. As I begin boarding the 2018 train, the destination is unknown. But isn't that always the case? We come up with grand thoughts to achieve in 1 year. Let me repeat-1 year. Quite honestly not everything is achievable in 1 year. Rarely do we have a plan to achieve our thoughts of grandeur. I think it's fair to say most people share the same feeling. I want get to Point Z but can I skip the other 25 letters? Truth be told, you can't. I am notorious for being a dreamer, a big picture guy, seeing the vision of what can be and wanting to arrive at the destination as soon as...